Dissemination of false or misleading market information


dissemination of false or misleading market information through the media, including the internet, or by any other means, which results or is likely to result in the moving of the price of a financial instrument, related spot commodity contract, or an auctioned product based on emission allowances, in a direction favourable to the position held or to a transaction planned by the person or persons interested in the dissemination of the information


Effective implementation of surveillance alerts for dissemination of false or misleading market information requires capturing the following trade data:

Surveillance alerts should consider external communications (including research, marketing materials, press and media releases) in conjunction with internal position and reset risk data.

Regulatory source

Dissemination of false or misleading market information through the media, including the internet, or by any other means, which results or is likely to result in the moving of the price of a financial instrument, related spot commodity contract, or an auctioned product based on emission allowances, in a direction favourable to the position held or to a transaction planned by the person or persons interested in the dissemination of the information;

COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/522, Annex II, Section II, 1 (a)